Joint Pain

Joint Pain in Reno, NV

Joint pain can be extremely difficult to deal with, especially when it’s knee pain. Often, you may hear that the only solution to excruciating knee pain is knee replacement, but it can be easier on your body and your life if you work with your doctor to focus on repairing the joint instead of just replacing it. Your knees are an important part of your everyday life and there are ways that you can reduce the pain that you experience and start repairing your knee so that you can feel comfortable in your everyday activities.

Causes of Joint Pain

There are several factors which can cause joint pain, including:

  • Aging
  • Carrying excess weight or being obese
  • Degenerative medical conditions including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Having a joint injury from an accident
  • Having a joint injury from playing a sport
  • Having a bone injury in the past

What You Can Do at Home To Get Relief From Joint Pain

For mild joint pain, you can try a few simple home remedies like these:

  • Placing an ice pack or heating pad on the painful joint
  • Taking over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medication
  • Staying active with gentle exercises and stretching
  • Avoiding high-impact activities and trying swimming or yoga instead
  • Maintaining a healthy weight to lower stress to your joints

Joint Pain Treatment 

When you’re dealing with joint pain, you may not feel like you’re able to enjoy your normal life. It can feel like there’s no way to deal with the pain without just replacing the damaged joint. Your urgent care doctor can help you discover ways to repair a damaged joint instead of going through the lengthy process to replace it. Your doctor might recommend wearing a knee brace to stabilize your knee and keep it in place during recovery. You can also ice it daily to reduce inflammation and swelling. 

You don't have to suffer from joint pain any longer. Our urgent care doctors at United Pain Urgent Care in Reno, NV are here to help. Call our office today at (775) 384-1380 to learn more. 

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