When To Seek Urgent Care for Severe Head and Neck Pain

You may find that you might deal with head and neck pain every once in a while. It’s important to know when it’s time to seek treatment. Severe head and neck pain can be alarming and may indicate a serious underlying condition. While minor discomfort can often be managed at home, there are certain symptoms and situations where seeking urgent care is crucial. Dr. Nairizi at United Pain Urgent Care in Reno, NV, can explain when head and neck pain might warrant urgent care. 

Seeking Urgent Care for Head and Neck Pain 

There are many cases where you may deal with pain in your head and neck that will go away on its own. In some cases, it may be a more severe issue that needs urgent attention. It’s important to know when to visit your doctor in Reno, NV, for head and neck pain and when it might be more serious. 

If you experience a sudden onset of intense head or neck pain, especially if it's unlike anything you've felt before, it's important to seek urgent care. This type of pain could be a sign of a serious condition, such as a brain aneurysm, stroke, or a cervical spine issue. 

Head and neck pain accompanied by neurological symptoms such as numbness, weakness, tingling in the arms or legs, confusion, difficulty speaking, or loss of coordination requires immediate medical evaluation. These symptoms could indicate a serious condition like a stroke or a neurological disorder. 

If your head or neck pain occurs after a recent trauma, such as a fall, car accident, or sports injury, it's essential to seek urgent care. These injuries can result in serious conditions like concussions, fractures, or spinal cord injuries, which require prompt medical attention. It’s important not to hesitate or wait for pain to go away in these situations.  

If you have persistent or worsening head or neck pain that does not improve with over-the-counter medications or rest, it's important to seek medical evaluation. Chronic pain can indicate conditions like migraines, tension headaches, or other underlying issues that need treatment. A stiff neck accompanied by fever, rash, or sensitivity to light could be a sign of meningitis, an infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. 

Contact Our Urgent Care Doctor Today 

Don’t hesitate to get the care that you need! Contact Dr. Nairizi at United Pain Urgent Care in Reno, NV, to learn more about head and neck pain and when it warrants urgent care. Call today for more information at (775) 384-1380.

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